Digging Into the Belly Button Biome:

The Look Into A Person's Post-Fetal-Feeding Tube

The Premise:

Using a json file that contains the data of various patients and the bacteria results from their belly button samples, I've created a dynamic and interactive dashboard that displays the previously mentioned data. By choosing the patient number from the dropdown menu, you can change the to reflect the findings on the newly selected patient. From the Top 10 Bacteria found in their bellybutton, to the number of times they wash/shower per week, it's all there.

Fun Fact: The types of bacteria found in your bellybutton aren't affected by the number of times you wash per week!

Click Here To Interact With Dashboard

Click Here To Go To GitHub


Languages and Programs Used:

  • HTML
  • Language used in index.html

  • Javascript
  • Language used for the dashboard.js

  • Bootstrap
  • Used to create the divs/containers in the index.html

  • D3.js
  • A javascript library used to load in and manipulate the data from the json

  • Plotly.js
  • Another javascript library used to create all of the charts and graphs

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Where the code was written

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