Gunning Down The Children:

A Study of Gun Violence

The Premise:

Out of the ever increasing number of mass shootings happening the United States, how many of those actually affect children?

Gathering the most recent CSV from the Gun Violence Archives (GVA) and the most recent table from the Wikipedia's Mass Shootings in 2022 page, the data was cleaned up and put into a database using SQL-Alchemy. It was then analyzed to see how children really are affected. Included in the GitHub is the database schema to build to the two tables needed to house the data from the two resources.

After the project was completed, I wanted to streamline the information gathering process so the that notebook, when ran, would update the CSV to the most recent one from the GVA site. In order to do this, I edited the code to include a web scraping element. Using Splinter with Selenium, the page now navigates and clicks through the website until it reaches the "Download CSV" button, and replaces the old CSV with the newer one.

Based on our findings, we concluded that children are rarely affected by mass shootings, and instead, are mostly the victims of one-on-one interactions and accidents caused by the lack of safety measures in place that prevent the easy access to these dangerous firearms.

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Languages and Programs Used:

  • Python
  • Language used in the notebook

  • SQL
  • Language used to create the tables and help create the queries

  • Postgres
  • The database system

  • Splinter
  • Python package used for scraping

  • SQL-Alchemy
  • The link between Python and SQL that allows for database querying in Python


